all postcodes in B60 / BROMSGROVE

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B60 1NP 6 0 52.368096 -2.025966
B60 1NR 3 0 52.368906 -2.023749
B60 1NS 1 0 52.368268 -2.022368
B60 1NT 7 0 52.371153 -2.025057
B60 1NU 16 1 52.370974 -2.018888
B60 1NX 7 0 52.371514 -2.019006
B60 1NY 3 0 52.373054 -2.026019
B60 1NZ 15 0 52.374822 -2.039035
B60 1PA 15 0 52.374556 -2.039675
B60 1PD 32 0 52.344013 -2.016557
B60 1PF 1 1 52.301271 -2.013249
B60 1PG 48 0 52.339966 -2.052692
B60 1PH 5 3 52.343259 -2.047925
B60 1PJ 4 0 52.346226 -2.035239
B60 1PL 2 0 52.348142 -2.031057
B60 1PN 3 0 52.340554 -2.032328
B60 1PP 9 0 52.341342 -2.02347
B60 1PQ 1 1 52.337562 -2.049997
B60 1PR 5 0 52.337631 -2.01362
B60 1PS 3 0 52.336801 -2.004351