all postcodes in B60 / BROMSGROVE

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B60 1PT 1 0 52.342792 -2.004154
B60 1PU 3 0 52.346999 -2.001482
B60 1PW 2 1 52.342723 -2.024242
B60 1PX 2 0 52.342572 -2.009798
B60 1PY 4 2 52.346168 -2.010078
B60 1PZ 24 1 52.346684 -2.013622
B60 1QB 30 0 52.347745 -2.013388
B60 1QD 8 1 52.35116 -2.017353
B60 1QE 5 1 52.35113 -2.01877
B60 1QF 4 0 52.34823 -2.013124
B60 1QG 4 0 52.354307 -2.015651
B60 1QH 14 0 52.355958 -2.010505
B60 1QJ 18 0 52.354738 -2.019101
B60 1QL 3 1 52.356546 -2.014242
B60 1QN 6 0 52.356923 -2.015564
B60 1QP 8 0 52.361696 -2.02282
B60 1QQ 1 0 52.356438 -2.01552
B60 1QU 6 0 52.34814 -2.012536
B60 1QW 1 0 52.359135 -2.015932
B60 1RA 4 0 52.36744 -2.026788