all postcodes in B60 / BROMSGROVE

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B60 2TF 6 0 52.331996 -2.042102
B60 2TG 6 0 52.332175 -2.043423
B60 2TH 30 0 52.329857 -2.040515
B60 2TJ 34 0 52.329443 -2.041322
B60 2TN 7 0 52.33053 -2.043142
B60 2TP 16 0 52.329308 -2.043273
B60 2TQ 25 0 52.32839 -2.044534
B60 2TR 23 0 52.330863 -2.042658
B60 2WD 1 1 52.301271 -2.013249
B60 2WH 1 1 52.301271 -2.013249
B60 2ZY 1 1 52.301271 -2.013249
B60 2LX 15 0 52.32232 -2.048108
B60 2DD 6 0 52.333255 -2.06168
B60 2NB 24 0 52.334205 -2.057316
B60 2ES 6 0 52.324397 -2.047024
B60 2QB 7 0 52.333688 -2.059318
B60 2TS 17 0 52.332279 -2.041831
B60 2ER 11 0 52.324698 -2.047752