all postcodes in B60 / BROMSGROVE

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B60 2DL 34 0 52.331188 -2.059344
B60 2DN 18 0 52.329359 -2.04951
B60 2DP 17 0 52.329003 -2.039105
B60 2DQ 6 0 52.331638 -2.059975
B60 2DR 11 0 52.329435 -2.038123
B60 2DW 13 0 52.330087 -2.050288
B60 2DZ 5 4 52.322995 -2.047977
B60 2EA 25 1 52.323651 -2.046642
B60 2EB 10 0 52.323931 -2.045395
B60 2ED 18 0 52.325009 -2.047084
B60 2EE 10 0 52.325593 -2.046718
B60 2EF 10 0 52.324982 -2.046203
B60 2EG 18 0 52.325774 -2.045485
B60 2EH 12 0 52.324596 -2.044633
B60 2EJ 5 0 52.324597 -2.04277
B60 2EL 1 0 52.325262 -2.043372
B60 2EN 12 0 52.326124 -2.04553
B60 2EP 1 1 52.325918 -2.043064
B60 2EQ 10 0 52.325127 -2.044942
B60 2ET 3 1 52.327549 -2.045891