all postcodes in B62 / CRADLEY HEATH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B62 8RP 1 52.461163 -2.040954
B62 8RW 2 52.444585 -2.042395
B62 8RX 1 52.468752 -2.045839
B62 8SE 10 7 52.45917 -2.040767
B62 8SG 71 0 52.448304 -2.034047
B62 8SH 13 0 52.448839 -2.03538
B62 8SJ 38 0 52.448461 -2.038058
B62 8SL 15 0 52.44974 -2.031717
B62 8SN 8 0 52.448706 -2.031201
B62 8SP 22 0 52.449343 -2.034454
B62 8SQ 18 0 52.447716 -2.034673
B62 8SR 12 0 52.449317 -2.033468
B62 8SS 36 0 52.449991 -2.034292
B62 8ST 39 0 52.450053 -2.036485
B62 8SU 25 0 52.448813 -2.033879
B62 8SW 25 0 52.447851 -2.032525
B62 8SX 53 0 52.448866 -2.038073
B62 8SY 28 0 52.450169 -2.038692
B62 8SZ 25 0 52.449504 -2.038162
B62 8TA 43 0 52.466736 -2.050548