all postcodes in B62 / CRADLEY HEATH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B62 8TB 44 0 52.465504 -2.052224
B62 8TD 34 0 52.465863 -2.053579
B62 8TE 33 0 52.464757 -2.054181
B62 8TF 39 0 52.465323 -2.05477
B62 8TG 49 0 52.4659 -2.051342
B62 8TH 19 0 52.46382 -2.051936
B62 8TJ 48 0 52.46337 -2.052201
B62 8TL 18 0 52.462984 -2.050949
B62 8TN 17 0 52.462652 -2.050007
B62 8TP 25 20 52.454806 -2.043317
B62 8TQ 34 0 52.46483 -2.051649
B62 8TS 10 0 52.463893 -2.050229
B62 8TU 1 1 52.468752 -2.045839
B62 8TW 49 0 52.461879 -2.050256
B62 8UA 21 0 52.450088 -2.039619
B62 8UB 71 0 52.448131 -2.038108
B62 8WE 1 1 52.468752 -2.045839
B62 8WG 1 1 52.461541 -2.047318
B62 8WQ 1 0 52.468752 -2.045839
B62 8DY 1 52.459602 -2.031371