all postcodes in B63 / HALESOWEN

find any address or company within the B63 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B63 2LP 63 0 52.457287 -2.091487
B63 2LR 66 1 52.45565 -2.091513
B63 2LS 7 0 52.456139 -2.091682
B63 2LT 31 0 52.456218 -2.089645
B63 2LU 35 0 52.456491 -2.090152
B63 2LW 9 0 52.456131 -2.086584
B63 2LX 7 0 52.456507 -2.091977
B63 2LY 7 0 52.45675 -2.092154
B63 2LZ 22 0 52.456769 -2.090285
B63 2NA 40 0 52.457341 -2.090736
B63 2NJ 16 0 52.459014 -2.090284
B63 2NL 4 0 52.458681 -2.090371
B63 2NP 4 0 52.461705 -2.096883
B63 2NR 26 0 52.45968 -2.089019
B63 2NS 10 0 52.45948 -2.091536
B63 2NT 55 3 52.459882 -2.094671
B63 2NU 1 1 52.463209 -2.097731
B63 2NX 6 1 52.464302 -2.098773
B63 2NY 4 0 52.467045 -2.097336
B63 2NZ 23 1 52.467686 -2.097873