all postcodes in B63 / HALESOWEN

find any address or company within the B63 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B63 2PA 13 0 52.465733 -2.097348
B63 2PB 25 0 52.465259 -2.097588
B63 2PD 15 0 52.466948 -2.095687
B63 2PE 17 0 52.466752 -2.093317
B63 2PF 15 0 52.466924 -2.091551
B63 2PG 18 8 52.466902 -2.088746
B63 2PH 39 0 52.467155 -2.095173
B63 2PJ 70 0 52.467606 -2.092774
B63 2PL 24 0 52.465609 -2.087477
B63 2PN 51 0 52.464745 -2.095918
B63 2PP 18 0 52.464869 -2.087337
B63 2PQ 24 1 52.466558 -2.088798
B63 2PR 41 0 52.465993 -2.090083
B63 2PS 31 0 52.466528 -2.09155
B63 2PT 20 0 52.466573 -2.096252
B63 2PU 24 0 52.465913 -2.096804
B63 2PW 52 0 52.463738 -2.09571
B63 2PX 21 0 52.46642 -2.095898
B63 2PY 25 0 52.464422 -2.094607
B63 2PZ 50 0 52.463491 -2.09414