all postcodes in B64 / CRADLEY HEATH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B64 6JY 14 0 52.473832 -2.063997
B64 6JZ 11 0 52.474973 -2.064735
B64 6LB 1 1 52.474146 -2.06494
B64 6LD 20 0 52.47224 -2.064598
B64 6LF 16 0 52.471548 -2.063581
B64 6LH 45 0 52.471422 -2.064258
B64 6LJ 45 0 52.47144 -2.065112
B64 6LL 45 0 52.47144 -2.065112
B64 6LQ 47 0 52.471422 -2.064258
B64 6LR 8 0 52.471331 -2.066982
B64 6LT 6 0 52.471583 -2.066909
B64 6LX 19 0 52.472023 -2.067572
B64 6NH 34 0 52.473166 -2.065424
B64 6NJ 2 1 52.472067 -2.063414
B64 6NL 5 0 52.471342 -2.062772
B64 6NN 5 3 52.472188 -2.061742
B64 6NP 28 1 52.473094 -2.064776
B64 6NR 11 0 52.472017 -2.060697
B64 6NS 6 0 52.471901 -2.059401
B64 6NT 7 6 52.47236 -2.05846