all postcodes in B64 / CRADLEY HEATH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B64 6NU 20 1 52.471569 -2.059489
B64 6NW 12 0 52.472351 -2.059137
B64 6NX 1 0 52.471451 -2.060563
B64 6PA 17 1 52.471703 -2.060888
B64 6PB 11 1 52.471406 -2.061535
B64 6PD 5 1 52.471828 -2.061948
B64 6PH 16 1 52.471558 -2.062433
B64 6PJ 5 0 52.471353 -2.058605
B64 6PL 15 8 52.472062 -2.055995
B64 6PN 1 1 52.470995 -2.055013
B64 6PS 8 5 52.472451 -2.057326
B64 6PU 14 12 52.474327 -2.056704
B64 6PW 1 1 52.47024 -2.055792
B64 6QB 1 1 52.473781 -2.056798
B64 6QD 17 0 52.474328 -2.060567
B64 6QH 32 0 52.473401 -2.061464
B64 6QJ 12 1 52.472449 -2.061021
B64 6QP 8 0 52.474588 -2.061068
B64 6QR 19 0 52.474948 -2.061275
B64 6QT 12 0 52.477681 -2.061485