all postcodes in B65 / ROWLEY REGIS

find any address or company within the B65 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B65 8NL 24 0 52.493447 -2.064571
B65 8NN 36 0 52.493924 -2.064998
B65 8NP 34 0 52.493458 -2.061654
B65 8NQ 8 0 52.492944 -2.064305
B65 8NR 29 0 52.492298 -2.06208
B65 8NS 8 0 52.493018 -2.061109
B65 8NT 12 0 52.493368 -2.061198
B65 8NU 12 0 52.492496 -2.06099
B65 8NX 37 0 52.49149 -2.060547
B65 8NZ 7 0 52.490124 -2.06003
B65 8PA 12 0 52.490249 -2.060899
B65 8PB 20 0 52.490734 -2.06224
B65 8PD 22 0 52.491317 -2.06336
B65 8PE 18 0 52.490526 -2.063904
B65 8PF 37 0 52.490796 -2.063624
B65 8PG 8 0 52.490615 -2.065067
B65 8PH 25 0 52.490238 -2.064036
B65 8PJ 6 0 52.492019 -2.063169
B65 8PL 15 0 52.492549 -2.062831
B65 8PN 21 0 52.489189 -2.059911