all postcodes in B65 / ROWLEY REGIS

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B65 8PP 24 0 52.491795 -2.061711
B65 8PQ 13 0 52.491785 -2.063905
B65 8PR 9 0 52.491283 -2.06093
B65 8PS 10 0 52.491032 -2.059236
B65 8PT 22 0 52.491715 -2.059443
B65 8PU 6 0 52.492631 -2.060652
B65 8PX 10 1 52.489497 -2.055198
B65 8QA 36 0 52.496567 -2.064015
B65 8QB 22 0 52.496541 -2.062631
B65 8QD 16 0 52.496739 -2.061556
B65 8QE 17 0 52.496207 -2.064781
B65 8QF 8 0 52.496433 -2.063338
B65 8ZH 1 1 52.468752 -2.045839
B65 8BF 19 0 52.477525 -2.048749
B65 8BQ 20 0 52.478199 -2.047763
B65 8BJ 5 0 52.478353 -2.047057
B65 8BT 19 0 52.478595 -2.048353
B65 8EG 62 0 52.478604 -2.047675
B65 8AB 35 0 52.481495 -2.057102
B65 8AD 36 0 52.479313 -2.050621