all postcodes in B6 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B6 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B6 7NY 9 1 52.504827 -1.875851
B6 7PA 44 0 52.504899 -1.876823
B6 7PB 48 0 52.504899 -1.876823
B6 7PN 25 0 52.503377 -1.87363
B6 7PR 1 1 52.504202 -1.872022
B6 7PT 66 0 52.504947 -1.871224
B6 7PU 32 0 52.50502 -1.872049
B6 7QA 15 0 52.505451 -1.87112
B6 7QE 1 1 52.506732 -1.8673
B6 7QH 13 0 52.505629 -1.869896
B6 7QP 7 3 52.503381 -1.872285
B6 7QT 1 1 52.502734 -1.869743
B6 7QX 3 2 52.503578 -1.87112
B6 7RA 4 2 52.503115 -1.872231
B6 7RD 2 1 52.502442 -1.874031
B6 7RT 15 7 52.50407 -1.869056
B6 7RU 1 1 52.503442 -1.867708
B6 7SE 1 1 52.505382 -1.865551
B6 7SH 7 3 52.505437 -1.866818
B6 7SJ 13 9 52.506254 -1.865666