all postcodes in B6 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B6 7SP 9 2 52.508173 -1.861373
B6 7SR 1 1 52.507608 -1.862966
B6 7SS 18 9 52.5067 -1.865999
B6 7ST 4 3 52.504578 -1.870224
B6 7TD 7 0 52.506339 -1.86985
B6 7TG 1 0 52.508383 -1.864746
B6 7TU 16 0 52.506248 -1.868848
B6 7UA 13 0 52.505972 -1.870735
B6 7UG 1 0 52.522496 -1.889802
B6 7UR 1 1 52.495968 -1.894209
B6 7QY 0 52.500491 -1.873196
B6 7EU 8 4 52.515483 -1.892084
B6 7AY 1 1 52.5204 -1.881313
B6 7FD 1 1 52.514471 -1.874527
B6 7FE 1 1 52.507674 -1.868442
B6 7XX 1 1 52.495968 -1.894209
B6 7FF 1 1 52.506839 -1.878183
B6 9AT 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B6 9BL 1 1 52.495968 -1.894209
B6 9BQ 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214