all postcodes in B77 / TAMWORTH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B77 2DH 32 0 52.622983 -1.657969
B77 2DJ 20 0 52.622619 -1.659375
B77 2DP 31 0 52.623408 -1.655801
B77 2DQ 28 0 52.622243 -1.657074
B77 2DR 19 0 52.623795 -1.658775
B77 2DS 13 0 52.623516 -1.658925
B77 2DU 74 1 52.617219 -1.660348
B77 2DX 50 0 52.621931 -1.654846
B77 2DY 43 0 52.619924 -1.656915
B77 2DZ 43 0 52.618732 -1.658312
B77 2EA 3 2 52.624522 -1.661473
B77 2HJ 2 2 52.616049 -1.663406
B77 2EB 58 1 52.62242 -1.662124
B77 2ED 21 12 52.621966 -1.663812
B77 2EE 56 0 52.621148 -1.660509
B77 2EF 61 0 52.62151 -1.661614
B77 2EG 23 0 52.621528 -1.658305
B77 2EH 81 0 52.623304 -1.663107
B77 2EJ 29 0 52.620739 -1.65622
B77 2EL 66 0 52.619606 -1.659044