all postcodes in B77 / TAMWORTH

find any address or company within the B77 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B77 2NX 18 0 52.614724 -1.671385
B77 2NY 1 1 52.611002 -1.674735
B77 2NZ 34 0 52.612267 -1.664034
B77 2PB 8 0 52.609078 -1.668311
B77 2PH 30 1 52.610727 -1.666275
B77 2PS 14 0 52.628102 -1.675259
B77 2PT 1 0 52.628201 -1.685171
B77 2PU 8 0 52.627778 -1.67501
B77 2QA 22 0 52.627839 -1.67758
B77 2QB 8 0 52.628148 -1.679041
B77 2QD 54 0 52.626971 -1.679034
B77 2QE 17 0 52.62579 -1.678083
B77 2QF 9 0 52.626532 -1.679865
B77 2QG 40 0 52.625563 -1.676962
B77 2QH 36 0 52.624389 -1.67827
B77 2QN 61 0 52.624258 -1.680029
B77 2QP 23 0 52.626481 -1.680811
B77 2QQ 42 0 52.624638 -1.677353
B77 2QW 44 0 52.624525 -1.679023
B77 2RA 40 0 52.62247 -1.670544