all postcodes in B78 / TAMWORTH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B78 2LS 14 1 52.562891 -1.682393
B78 2LT 11 0 52.561915 -1.680571
B78 2LU 17 0 52.561224 -1.680724
B78 2LW 28 0 52.563472 -1.681393
B78 2LX 17 0 52.562229 -1.680259
B78 2NA 23 0 52.561767 -1.678684
B78 2NB 29 0 52.560591 -1.679415
B78 2ND 39 0 52.560408 -1.678251
B78 2NH 25 0 52.56023 -1.678843
B78 2NJ 47 0 52.559261 -1.67972
B78 2NL 24 0 52.560523 -1.681024
B78 2NN 23 1 52.560925 -1.679929
B78 2NP 17 2 52.560614 -1.681708
B78 2NR 26 1 52.563694 -1.680145
B78 2NS 16 0 52.563673 -1.678818
B78 2NT 13 0 52.564237 -1.678407
B78 2NW 14 2 52.559553 -1.681149
B78 2PA 16 0 52.573241 -1.679973
B78 2PB 13 0 52.573523 -1.681328
B78 2PE 33 0 52.57204 -1.681221