all postcodes in B78 / TAMWORTH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B78 2PF 18 0 52.57233 -1.682001
B78 2PG 18 0 52.572056 -1.68038
B78 2PH 26 0 52.572541 -1.680465
B78 2PJ 32 0 52.573471 -1.682007
B78 2PL 17 0 52.572941 -1.681863
B78 2PP 19 0 52.57461 -1.680804
B78 2PQ 34 0 52.573584 -1.68056
B78 2DE 6 0 52.558386 -1.681718
B78 2DF 6 0 52.558683 -1.682055
B78 2DG 2 0 52.558575 -1.682328
B78 2DN 6 0 52.558486 -1.682174
B78 2DQ 6 0 52.558323 -1.681895
B78 2EB 1 1 52.572898 -1.669514
B78 2HQ 6 0 52.568596 -1.684329
B78 2FD 0 52.578403 -1.664278
B78 2AQ 14 0 52.581817 -1.738574