all postcodes in B7 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B7 4QG 35 0 52.490485 -1.873461
B7 4QH 31 0 52.490303 -1.871576
B7 4QJ 20 0 52.490206 -1.872725
B7 4QL 66 0 52.489298 -1.872993
B7 4QN 1 1 52.488966 -1.873392
B7 4QP 1 0 52.488454 -1.874159
B7 4QS 21 1 52.487869 -1.873925
B7 4QT 25 0 52.489746 -1.871386
B7 4QU 1 1 52.491498 -1.87066
B7 4RA 7 6 52.488314 -1.869506
B7 4RH 2 1 52.486369 -1.869551
B7 4RP 10 5 52.486214 -1.87231
B7 4RQ 1 1 52.48561 -1.87106
B7 4RS 6 3 52.487601 -1.869871
B7 4RU 1 0 52.484584 -1.873149
B7 4SA 3 2 52.484916 -1.873001
B7 4SB 5 3 52.487308 -1.8697
B7 4SH 10 6 52.487186 -1.868518
B7 4SL 8 8 52.490656 -1.868404
B7 4SN 18 12 52.491273 -1.865943