all postcodes in B7 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B7 4ST 1 1 52.488667 -1.871272
B7 4SU 13 0 52.48909 -1.871963
B7 4SZ 1 0 52.48743 -1.866489
B7 4TD 1 1 52.492942 -1.867901
B7 4TE 1 0 52.49285 -1.868928
B7 4TH 4 2 52.492771 -1.867475
B7 4TS 26 14 52.490037 -1.869849
B7 4WH 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B7 4NA 1 0 52.494422 -1.881816
B7 4AD 0 52.488652 -1.866
B7 4BL 2 2 52.486052 -1.885206
B7 4AG 2 52.489182 -1.886272
B7 4QR 1 1 52.488429 -1.875543
B7 4AH 12 0 52.489185 -1.876557
B7 4BP 1 0 52.489152 -1.888398
B7 4AR 1 1 52.491167 -1.880469
B7 5AB 6 2 52.493292 -1.867385
B7 5AD 19 0 52.489979 -1.879604
B7 5AF 11 9 52.496428 -1.868534
B7 5AH 6 6 52.501171 -1.844007