all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B9 4PH 34 0 52.480719 -1.870294
B9 4PJ 18 0 52.48009 -1.871076
B9 4PL 11 0 52.480879 -1.868953
B9 4PN 7 0 52.477011 -1.866948
B9 4PP 28 10 52.477611 -1.864767
B9 4PQ 48 0 52.480693 -1.871516
B9 4PT 36 0 52.47666 -1.867052
B9 4PU 42 0 52.476832 -1.867419
B9 4PW 15 0 52.480502 -1.869749
B9 4PX 12 0 52.477764 -1.868221
B9 4PY 2 2 52.478355 -1.866585
B9 4QA 6 4 52.478481 -1.870742
B9 4QB 16 5 52.47836 -1.867474
B9 4QG 1 0 52.478786 -1.870137
B9 4QH 41 0 52.479872 -1.868588
B9 4QJ 32 0 52.479108 -1.869253
B9 4QP 10 2 52.47646 -1.8571
B9 4RJ 16 0 52.474617 -1.864275
B9 4RL 11 1 52.474922 -1.864112
B9 4SA 16 0 52.475524 -1.863831