all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B9 4SD 12 0 52.475874 -1.863653
B9 4SJ 8 8 52.477103 -1.861367
B9 4SU 18 4 52.47731 -1.853578
B9 4TA 13 2 52.478464 -1.856313
B9 4TD 23 0 52.479516 -1.856206
B9 4TG 1 0 52.48067 -1.859074
B9 4TJ 38 0 52.479777 -1.856632
B9 4TL 7 5 52.480996 -1.856683
B9 4TQ 1 1 52.482365 -1.855785
B9 4TR 22 5 52.478258 -1.857344
B9 4TS 26 6 52.476736 -1.857491
B9 4TT 12 7 52.476517 -1.859735
B9 4TX 2 1 52.476703 -1.860009
B9 4TY 1 1 52.477102 -1.860101
B9 4UA 1 1 52.48012 -1.857927
B9 4UD 14 3 52.477623 -1.855619
B9 4UE 1 0 52.477768 -1.853606
B9 4UH 2 1 52.478781 -1.853789
B9 4UL 68 0 52.479298 -1.854941
B9 4UN 25 0 52.479728 -1.853334