all postcodes in B90 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 4JT 52 0 52.383912 -1.814791
B90 4JW 20 0 52.382447 -1.814973
B90 4JY 61 0 52.383636 -1.810796
B90 4JZ 14 0 52.383846 -1.812969
B90 4LA 5 5 52.39434 -1.816371
B90 4LD 11 9 52.400358 -1.817074
B90 4LE 8 4 52.399047 -1.806409
B90 4LF 1 1 52.39966 -1.807656
B90 4LH 10 10 52.398775 -1.805411
B90 4LN 1 1 52.399265 -1.807863
B90 4LR 1 1 52.397751 -1.80543
B90 4LS 12 0 52.389732 -1.78003
B90 4LT 15 0 52.390998 -1.778936
B90 4LU 7 0 52.391741 -1.777463
B90 4LX 16 0 52.389561 -1.790111
B90 4LY 14 0 52.389325 -1.788834
B90 4LZ 1 1 52.396943 -1.806095
B90 4NA 1 1 52.3986 -1.80281
B90 4ND 10 8 52.397332 -1.803896
B90 4NE 14 8 52.396679 -1.806162