all postcodes in B90 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 4NG 11 10 52.39811 -1.801571
B90 4NH 1 1 52.397322 -1.801567
B90 4NJ 1 1 52.397494 -1.802183
B90 4NL 1 1 52.396775 -1.802583
B90 4NN 50 0 52.390579 -1.801582
B90 4NR 18 9 52.394719 -1.804268
B90 4NU 6 6 52.390293 -1.804089
B90 4NY 13 9 52.396468 -1.798359
B90 4NZ 20 15 52.395693 -1.795607
B90 4NS 7 2 52.396037 -1.803946
B90 4PB 22 0 52.385453 -1.79514
B90 4PD 1 1 52.398348 -1.808146
B90 4PE 65 0 52.385201 -1.794818
B90 4PF 21 0 52.385677 -1.794743
B90 4PH 47 1 52.397498 -1.816277
B90 4PJ 1 0 52.398345 -1.817494
B90 4PL 39 0 52.398434 -1.81667
B90 4PN 12 3 52.399741 -1.815056
B90 4PP 15 0 52.398584 -1.814965
B90 4PR 15 0 52.399285 -1.814668