all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B9 5LP 43 0 52.481707 -1.847188
B9 5LQ 38 0 52.480602 -1.848163
B9 5LR 43 0 52.481787 -1.846407
B9 5LS 13 0 52.481144 -1.849619
B9 5LT 35 0 52.479459 -1.846665
B9 5LU 35 0 52.479458 -1.845885
B9 5LW 8 3 52.483233 -1.848547
B9 5LX 48 0 52.480909 -1.835234
B9 5LY 3 1 52.481692 -1.835776
B9 5NA 5 4 52.477746 -1.850367
B9 5NB 12 0 52.478121 -1.847789
B9 5ND 20 0 52.478218 -1.84667
B9 5NE 18 0 52.478339 -1.845221
B9 5NF 52 0 52.481424 -1.850958
B9 5NG 38 0 52.479475 -1.845149
B9 5NH 7 0 52.48309 -1.846093
B9 5NJ 4 0 52.482903 -1.847566
B9 5NL 36 0 52.483289 -1.84702
B9 5NN 28 0 52.483493 -1.845046
B9 5NP 51 0 52.482136 -1.845169