all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B9 5PR 13 0 52.475096 -1.844987
B9 5PS 60 0 52.474896 -1.843133
B9 5PT 32 10 52.47545 -1.843008
B9 5PU 23 5 52.475709 -1.839082
B9 5PW 20 0 52.474007 -1.850556
B9 5PX 1 1 52.476259 -1.827566
B9 5QA 70 1 52.475995 -1.831852
B9 5QB 45 0 52.476645 -1.83341
B9 5QD 12 0 52.4763 -1.837769
B9 5QE 12 1 52.476258 -1.839315
B9 5QF 11 0 52.476214 -1.840655
B9 5QG 15 1 52.475875 -1.842379
B9 5QH 6 0 52.475456 -1.844942
B9 5QJ 45 5 52.474884 -1.847594
B9 5QL 1 0 52.475377 -1.846532
B9 5QP 21 12 52.475358 -1.848059
B9 5QQ 19 1 52.47567 -1.843572
B9 5QT 31 3 52.476818 -1.841934
B9 5QX 14 0 52.476881 -1.841565
B9 5QY 59 0 52.477179 -1.842728