all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 1LF 33 0 52.4097 -1.864665
B90 1LH 27 0 52.410681 -1.865618
B90 1LJ 15 0 52.410744 -1.865294
B90 1LL 8 0 52.408896 -1.86139
B90 1LP 10 0 52.408464 -1.860627
B90 1LR 18 4 52.406406 -1.861486
B90 1LS 15 0 52.406084 -1.862574
B90 1LT 16 0 52.405951 -1.864486
B90 1LU 16 0 52.406777 -1.863425
B90 1LX 37 0 52.406956 -1.862998
B90 1LY 42 0 52.406761 -1.865233
B90 1LZ 6 0 52.405853 -1.865118
B90 1NA 2 1 52.388863 -1.840124
B90 1NB 18 0 52.407767 -1.864745
B90 1ND 8 0 52.408306 -1.864332
B90 1NE 26 0 52.408353 -1.865625
B90 1NF 50 0 52.408183 -1.866963
B90 1NG 17 1 52.407753 -1.868449
B90 1NH 28 0 52.40617 -1.867146
B90 1NJ 17 0 52.405631 -1.867618