all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 1PS 5 0 52.389363 -1.85572
B90 1PT 2 0 52.385736 -1.855387
B90 1PU 15 0 52.384636 -1.845341
B90 1PW 15 1 52.388706 -1.85113
B90 1PX 39 0 52.382411 -1.853421
B90 1QA 1 0 52.408076 -1.82573
B90 1QE 1 0 52.391017 -1.828574
B90 1QF 1 1 52.390149 -1.831178
B90 1QG 1 0 52.387662 -1.83348
B90 1QH 21 0 52.385748 -1.841318
B90 1QJ 14 0 52.384472 -1.841264
B90 1QL 48 0 52.386308 -1.843006
B90 1QN 6 0 52.384182 -1.842374
B90 1QP 1 0 52.381053 -1.853338
B90 1QQ 3 0 52.384974 -1.840263
B90 1QR 34 0 52.379815 -1.855707
B90 1QS 29 1 52.379604 -1.859395
B90 1QT 44 0 52.378074 -1.857799
B90 1QU 1 0 52.376551 -1.854601
B90 1QW 3 3 52.380673 -1.85118