all postcodes in BB1 / BLACKBURN

find any address or company within the BB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB1 1JS 10 0 53.746299 -2.465457
BB1 1JT 36 0 53.746178 -2.466411
BB1 1LA 12 0 53.746027 -2.463711
BB1 1LB 22 0 53.746082 -2.464892
BB1 1LD 15 0 53.747976 -2.46402
BB1 1LE 18 0 53.74751 -2.463681
BB1 1LP 4 0 53.745937 -2.470563
BB1 1LR 52 0 53.744866 -2.468626
BB1 1LS 59 0 53.74505 -2.467627
BB1 1LT 21 0 53.747736 -2.46799
BB1 1LX 2 1 53.746299 -2.467033
BB1 1LZ 4 1 53.747083 -2.464829
BB1 1NA 1 1 53.74827 -2.464615
BB1 1NB 21 0 53.747108 -2.4653
BB1 1NE 24 3 53.747315 -2.462936
BB1 1NF 8 0 53.747138 -2.466816
BB1 1NG 14 3 53.748317 -2.464069
BB1 1NH 22 0 53.746679 -2.467084
BB1 1NL 44 0 53.746831 -2.460217
BB1 1NP 16 0 53.747526 -2.459466