all postcodes in BB1 / BLACKBURN

find any address or company within the BB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB1 1ST 26 0 53.74399 -2.465235
BB1 1SU 43 0 53.744557 -2.464877
BB1 1SW 65 0 53.743139 -2.464376
BB1 1SX 16 0 53.743956 -2.466978
BB1 1SY 24 0 53.74096 -2.470114
BB1 1SZ 15 0 53.740553 -2.470549
BB1 1TA 14 0 53.740837 -2.469218
BB1 1TB 8 0 53.741654 -2.474048
BB1 1TD 23 3 53.743567 -2.471399
BB1 1TF 24 5 53.743892 -2.469449
BB1 1TG 76 11 53.744966 -2.46382
BB1 1TH 20 6 53.74552 -2.462234
BB1 1TJ 41 2 53.745099 -2.462002
BB1 1TP 52 0 53.744394 -2.460569
BB1 1TR 63 0 53.743509 -2.459407
BB1 1TS 32 1 53.742842 -2.459764
BB1 1TT 65 0 53.742963 -2.458704
BB1 1TU 35 0 53.743122 -2.457022
BB1 1TW 43 0 53.743914 -2.461534
BB1 1UA 39 1 53.746135 -2.458935