all postcodes in BB10 / BURNLEY

find any address or company within the BB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB10 4LQ 22 0 53.786862 -2.220526
BB10 4LR 11 1 53.786098 -2.225197
BB10 4LS 55 0 53.786462 -2.223029
BB10 4LT 27 0 53.787836 -2.223385
BB10 4LU 28 0 53.783507 -2.221875
BB10 4LW 44 0 53.784965 -2.225798
BB10 4LX 9 0 53.784949 -2.224432
BB10 4LY 15 0 53.784296 -2.222713
BB10 4LZ 45 0 53.783774 -2.223424
BB10 4NE 63 0 53.786768 -2.212816
BB10 4NF 22 0 53.787368 -2.214169
BB10 4NG 40 0 53.786552 -2.212951
BB10 4NH 8 0 53.785717 -2.212583
BB10 4NJ 26 0 53.784716 -2.214535
BB10 4NL 57 0 53.786442 -2.214377
BB10 4NN 14 1 53.787356 -2.215945
BB10 4NP 55 3 53.785813 -2.216788
BB10 4NQ 65 0 53.785224 -2.212003
BB10 4NR 23 1 53.785246 -2.214675
BB10 4NS 28 0 53.784901 -2.216464