all postcodes in BB10 / BURNLEY

find any address or company within the BB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB10 4NT 6 0 53.784245 -2.216354
BB10 4NU 30 0 53.785708 -2.217272
BB10 4NW 16 0 53.787014 -2.215943
BB10 4NX 52 0 53.785581 -2.218228
BB10 4NY 12 0 53.783938 -2.217142
BB10 4NZ 26 0 53.784223 -2.218524
BB10 4PA 8 0 53.78373 -2.218051
BB10 4PB 15 4 53.78415 -2.219101
BB10 4PD 40 0 53.784968 -2.219287
BB10 4PE 16 0 53.786152 -2.220234
BB10 4PF 27 0 53.78502 -2.22035
BB10 4PG 18 0 53.784514 -2.22191
BB10 4PH 27 0 53.784864 -2.222216
BB10 4PJ 79 0 53.78368 -2.215881
BB10 4PT 31 0 53.79096 -2.220942
BB10 4PU 26 0 53.790351 -2.219755
BB10 4PX 27 0 53.790296 -2.22015
BB10 4PY 52 0 53.791228 -2.221946
BB10 4PZ 7 0 53.789827 -2.221164
BB10 4QA 60 0 53.789849 -2.223532