all postcodes in BB18 / BARNOLDSWICK

find any address or company within the BB18 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB18 5TE 10 0 53.905179 -2.170724
BB18 5TF 3 2 53.904933 -2.170147
BB18 5TJ 3 0 53.905547 -2.170832
BB18 5TG 6 1 53.902589 -2.165112
BB18 5TH 1 0 53.903483 -2.162057
BB18 5TN 12 0 53.905767 -2.167986
BB18 5TP 7 0 53.904398 -2.16999
BB18 5TQ 10 0 53.905359 -2.168003
BB18 5TR 8 0 53.904092 -2.170247
BB18 5TS 10 0 53.904469 -2.170797
BB18 5TT 6 0 53.904117 -2.171754
BB18 5TU 12 0 53.905539 -2.170223
BB18 5TW 6 0 53.905949 -2.166374
BB18 5TX 3 0 53.90598 -2.169859
BB18 5TY 7 0 53.90563 -2.169371
BB18 5TZ 6 0 53.906178 -2.169647
BB18 5UA 10 0 53.906351 -2.168156
BB18 5UB 5 0 53.906443 -2.167091
BB18 5UD 5 1 53.906719 -2.168325
BB18 5UF 10 0 53.905634 -2.16686