all postcodes in BB18 / BARNOLDSWICK

find any address or company within the BB18 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB18 5NZ 17 2 53.914023 -2.18877
BB18 5PA 4 0 53.914808 -2.189856
BB18 5PB 8 0 53.914579 -2.189716
BB18 5PD 11 0 53.914184 -2.189501
BB18 5PE 9 0 53.913888 -2.18915
BB18 5PF 5 0 53.913367 -2.188721
BB18 5PG 10 0 53.913515 -2.189089
BB18 5PH 1 0 53.913106 -2.18875
BB18 5PJ 1 0 53.912783 -2.188779
BB18 5PL 7 0 53.912873 -2.188308
BB18 5PN 9 0 53.913197 -2.187959
BB18 5PP 11 0 53.912489 -2.192325
BB18 5PQ 2 0 53.913254 -2.189195
BB18 5PR 17 0 53.914356 -2.188467
BB18 5PS 18 2 53.914874 -2.190661
BB18 5PT 4 0 53.913894 -2.188041
BB18 5PU 5 0 53.914909 -2.191255
BB18 5PW 6 0 53.912722 -2.187592
BB18 5PX 35 3 53.915051 -2.192139
BB18 5PY 22 0 53.915803 -2.193863