all postcodes in BB5 / ACCRINGTON

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Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB5 5NP 1 0 53.772216 -2.379974
BB5 5NQ 49 1 53.77226 -2.380459
BB5 5NR 2 2 53.775238 -2.384067
BB5 5NS 69 8 53.774721 -2.38649
BB5 5NT 24 0 53.748052 -2.387019
BB5 5NX 6 0 53.774653 -2.385215
BB5 5NY 36 1 53.775581 -2.384723
BB5 5NZ 8 3 53.775377 -2.383811
BB5 5PA 3 0 53.775799 -2.38383
BB5 5PB 1 0 53.775969 -2.38418
BB5 5PD 31 1 53.775526 -2.38495
BB5 5PF 44 2 53.775367 -2.385828
BB5 5PG 72 2 53.776494 -2.387675
BB5 5PH 19 1 53.7759 -2.387715
BB5 5PJ 40 0 53.775901 -2.38858
BB5 5PL 2 0 53.77614 -2.388673
BB5 5PN 27 4 53.776395 -2.39127
BB5 5PP 3 0 53.776483 -2.391878
BB5 5PQ 3 0 53.775663 -2.387
BB5 5PR 17 1 53.776874 -2.390668