all postcodes in BB5 / ACCRINGTON

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Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB5 5RW 1 1 53.779571 -2.382119
BB5 5RX 18 0 53.781619 -2.38537
BB5 5RY 6 0 53.781972 -2.384554
BB5 5RZ 1 0 53.782794 -2.383059
BB5 5SA 5 0 53.78294 -2.38262
BB5 5SB 17 0 53.784025 -2.382069
BB5 5SD 27 0 53.783752 -2.381595
BB5 5SE 33 0 53.784016 -2.38052
BB5 5SF 10 0 53.782975 -2.380056
BB5 5SG 9 0 53.784032 -2.37835
BB5 5SH 8 0 53.786392 -2.385004
BB5 5SL 3 2 53.782886 -2.390815
BB5 5SN 2 0 53.780539 -2.392857
BB5 5SQ 8 1 53.785811 -2.384285
BB5 5ST 4 1 53.779712 -2.391119
BB5 5SU 3 0 53.778691 -2.393022
BB5 5SW 44 1 53.778993 -2.391128
BB5 5SX 32 0 53.778804 -2.391263
BB5 5SY 8 0 53.778231 -2.390741
BB5 5SZ 13 0 53.778906 -2.390262