all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 2HJ 1 0 53.870246 -1.915666
BD21 2HL 24 0 53.870597 -1.915863
BD21 2HN 9 0 53.871118 -1.915497
BD21 2HP 1 0 53.871092 -1.917307
BD21 2HR 8 0 53.870625 -1.917505
BD21 2HS 2 0 53.871008 -1.918162
BD21 2HT 4 0 53.870774 -1.918116
BD21 2HU 34 0 53.871103 -1.919801
BD21 2HW 5 0 53.871415 -1.916515
BD21 2HX 41 0 53.871736 -1.926233
BD21 2HY 35 0 53.871403 -1.926325
BD21 2JA 5 0 53.870779 -1.920197
BD21 2JB 4 0 53.870239 -1.918388
BD21 2JH 6 3 53.868337 -1.910393
BD21 2JJ 3 2 53.867249 -1.910456
BD21 2JP 12 6 53.866986 -1.911874
BD21 2JU 32 4 53.866702 -1.911719
BD21 2JX 1 1 53.866676 -1.912966
BD21 2LD 6 6 53.866151 -1.913792
BD21 2LE 8 7 53.866529 -1.91446