all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 2LF 13 0 53.865706 -1.914169
BD21 2LG 40 0 53.865977 -1.915583
BD21 2LH 1 1 53.866499 -1.916905
BD21 2LJ 15 1 53.865722 -1.911676
BD21 2LL 7 0 53.865866 -1.912025
BD21 2LP 2 1 53.866658 -1.919341
BD21 2LQ 2 2 53.865594 -1.913367
BD21 2LR 5 1 53.866842 -1.919337
BD21 2LS 32 0 53.867112 -1.919717
BD21 2LT 4 0 53.867435 -1.919777
BD21 2LU 6 0 53.867417 -1.919078
BD21 2LX 27 0 53.867165 -1.919063
BD21 2LY 1 0 53.866931 -1.918699
BD21 2LZ 23 0 53.866724 -1.918288
BD21 2NA 2 0 53.866442 -1.918931
BD21 2NB 10 0 53.866294 -1.919323
BD21 2ND 4 1 53.865907 -1.918913
BD21 2NE 10 0 53.866473 -1.919232
BD21 2NF 10 0 53.867023 -1.920995
BD21 2NG 31 0 53.867103 -1.919991