all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 4PL 1 1 53.86675 -1.89376
BD21 4PN 2 2 53.867356 -1.89145
BD21 4PQ 8 6 53.867006 -1.898413
BD21 4PR 16 1 53.865316 -1.898143
BD21 4PS 5 0 53.865262 -1.897641
BD21 4PT 6 0 53.865379 -1.898204
BD21 4QB 8 1 53.865128 -1.899162
BD21 4PU 2 0 53.86542 -1.898648
BD21 4PX 20 0 53.865155 -1.898691
BD21 4PY 5 0 53.864921 -1.898919
BD21 4PZ 4 0 53.864786 -1.898844
BD21 4QA 10 0 53.864912 -1.899239
BD21 4QD 4 0 53.865075 -1.900501
BD21 4QE 7 0 53.865012 -1.900683
BD21 4QF 4 0 53.862408 -1.902803
BD21 4QH 43 3 53.864492 -1.901658
BD21 4QJ 9 0 53.864267 -1.90105
BD21 4QL 2 0 53.864119 -1.900825
BD21 4QN 11 0 53.864159 -1.901278
BD21 4QR 15 2 53.863882 -1.903347