all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 4ST 10 0 53.862736 -1.88711
BD21 4SU 7 0 53.863167 -1.887079
BD21 4SW 24 1 53.863121 -1.88565
BD21 4SX 8 0 53.862988 -1.88787
BD21 4SY 8 0 53.863689 -1.888035
BD21 4SZ 7 0 53.863312 -1.888797
BD21 4TA 11 0 53.863475 -1.889313
BD21 4TB 33 0 53.863269 -1.890636
BD21 4TD 18 0 53.864732 -1.88788
BD21 4TE 20 0 53.864479 -1.886604
BD21 4TF 25 0 53.8642 -1.886741
BD21 4TG 5 0 53.865484 -1.885597
BD21 4TH 2 0 53.864151 -1.886182
BD21 4TJ 4 0 53.863603 -1.886442
BD21 4TL 18 0 53.862715 -1.884465
BD21 4TN 19 0 53.860179 -1.893001
BD21 4TP 8 0 53.858038 -1.890042
BD21 4WA 4 0 53.858111 -1.891167
BD21 4TQ 3 0 53.863954 -1.883321
BD21 4TR 31 0 53.858333 -1.888977