all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 1ND 31 3 53.856426 -1.92068
BD21 1NE 29 0 53.857299 -1.922214
BD21 1NF 26 0 53.857667 -1.921468
BD21 1NG 16 0 53.858835 -1.921436
BD21 1NH 25 0 53.857701 -1.919522
BD21 1NJ 30 0 53.857171 -1.918885
BD21 1NL 33 0 53.857134 -1.917745
BD21 1NP 1 1 53.864437 -1.911663
BD21 1NQ 21 0 53.85834 -1.920342
BD21 1NR 12 3 53.864203 -1.911542
BD21 1NS 1 1 53.864068 -1.911557
BD21 1NT 40 0 53.864357 -1.912667
BD21 1NU 40 0 53.864456 -1.913321
BD21 1NX 40 0 53.86423 -1.912028
BD21 1PF 11 2 53.863017 -1.911818
BD21 1PG 20 17 53.862946 -1.913734
BD21 1PH 3 2 53.86318 -1.913749
BD21 1PQ 1 1 53.863089 -1.911985
BD21 1PR 5 0 53.863065 -1.916
BD21 1PS 13 0 53.862795 -1.915544