all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 1PT 4 3 53.8624 -1.916776
BD21 1PW 13 4 53.862903 -1.916258
BD21 1PX 1 0 53.862273 -1.914222
BD21 1PZ 1 1 53.865086 -1.914125
BD21 1QA 1 1 53.865086 -1.914125
BD21 1QB 1 1 53.863334 -1.915011
BD21 1QD 1 1 53.864536 -1.912073
BD21 1QH 21 1 53.863658 -1.915801
BD21 1QJ 3 0 53.863919 -1.9158
BD21 1QL 5 0 53.864045 -1.916089
BD21 1QP 1 1 53.863937 -1.916712
BD21 1QQ 4 4 53.864381 -1.914601
BD21 1QR 4 0 53.863478 -1.916272
BD21 1QS 5 0 53.863371 -1.916577
BD21 1QT 12 5 53.862909 -1.91687
BD21 1QU 66 0 53.863425 -1.917337
BD21 1QW 7 0 53.863883 -1.916241
BD21 1QX 19 8 53.862662 -1.918007
BD21 1QY 15 0 53.862069 -1.918085
BD21 1QZ 1 0 53.862069 -1.918936