all postcodes in BD23 / SKIPTON

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD23 1JQ 8 0 53.961212 -2.018055
BD23 1JR 1 1 53.961904 -2.016973
BD23 1JT 7 0 53.961967 -2.017613
BD23 1JU 1 1 53.957715 -2.025887
BD23 1JW 4 0 53.96159 -2.017445
BD23 1JX 7 6 53.962102 -2.017034
BD23 1JY 1 1 53.962381 -2.017248
BD23 1JZ 19 15 53.962758 -2.017004
BD23 1LB 12 2 53.961712 -2.018364
BD23 1LD 7 0 53.961302 -2.018619
BD23 1LF 5 0 53.960628 -2.018939
BD23 1LG 16 0 53.960727 -2.018481
BD23 1LH 29 15 53.961019 -2.019537
BD23 1LL 33 0 53.96708 -2.023789
BD23 1LN 10 0 53.965423 -2.02335
BD23 1LP 13 0 53.96522 -2.02391
BD23 1LQ 4 3 53.961491 -2.019671
BD23 1LR 4 0 53.966379 -2.023987
BD23 1LS 31 0 53.967363 -2.026034
BD23 1LT 35 0 53.968608 -2.025634