all postcodes in BD23 / SKIPTON

find any address or company within the BD23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD23 1LU 6 0 53.968828 -2.027849
BD23 1LW 5 0 53.970042 -2.026554
BD23 1LX 5 0 53.968536 -2.026823
BD23 1LY 26 0 53.966432 -2.026868
BD23 1LZ 4 0 53.966558 -2.029047
BD23 1NA 26 0 53.966073 -2.027782
BD23 1NB 29 0 53.964959 -2.025099
BD23 1ND 9 0 53.966217 -2.025968
BD23 1NE 6 0 53.965057 -2.026211
BD23 1NF 18 0 53.9668 -2.030054
BD23 1NG 10 0 53.965667 -2.032507
BD23 1NH 14 0 53.967375 -2.031091
BD23 1NJ 14 11 53.963253 -2.01705
BD23 1NL 20 10 53.964094 -2.017557
BD23 1NP 28 5 53.963806 -2.018655
BD23 1NQ 21 1 53.963467 -2.025265
BD23 1NR 22 0 53.963432 -2.019016
BD23 1NS 12 0 53.963693 -2.019321
BD23 1NT 14 0 53.963809 -2.019733
BD23 1NX 8 0 53.963279 -2.019641