all postcodes in BD23 / SKIPTON

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD23 1QD 12 0 53.961391 -2.024578
BD23 1QE 2 0 53.96154 -2.025725
BD23 1QG 34 0 53.963791 -2.024321
BD23 1QH 8 0 53.962289 -2.025661
BD23 1QJ 14 0 53.963188 -2.025997
BD23 1QL 1 1 53.963808 -2.027338
BD23 1QN 17 1 53.962936 -2.027003
BD23 1QP 10 0 53.963539 -2.026104
BD23 1QQ 21 0 53.962029 -2.025173
BD23 1QR 6 0 53.962648 -2.028024
BD23 1QT 21 0 53.962397 -2.026347
BD23 1QU 40 0 53.964589 -2.029153
BD23 1QW 27 0 53.965218 -2.030144
BD23 1QY 42 8 53.959945 -2.020005
BD23 1RD 29 23 53.960346 -2.018424
BD23 1RH 2 2 53.961263 -2.013258
BD23 1RJ 10 0 53.960825 -2.02092
BD23 1RL 45 3 53.960592 -2.021453
BD23 1RN 3 0 53.960255 -2.021427
BD23 1RP 8 2 53.960115 -2.021316