all postcodes in BD23 / SKIPTON

find any address or company within the BD23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD23 1NY 8 0 53.961877 -2.018833
BD23 1PA 4 0 53.96323 -2.020118
BD23 1PB 23 12 53.962893 -2.018604
BD23 1PE 7 1 53.962632 -2.019001
BD23 1PF 15 0 53.962614 -2.020144
BD23 1PG 31 0 53.96051 -2.024578
BD23 1PH 12 0 53.962273 -2.018345
BD23 1PJ 11 3 53.962559 -2.023832
BD23 1PL 1 1 53.96332 -2.022571
BD23 1PN 17 1 53.962101 -2.02246
BD23 1PP 38 1 53.961553 -2.023588
BD23 1PQ 18 7 53.96239 -2.018482
BD23 1PR 12 0 53.961058 -2.024014
BD23 1PT 29 1 53.961867 -2.024258
BD23 1PU 4 1 53.962299 -2.023725
BD23 1PW 10 0 53.961913 -2.02121
BD23 1PX 7 0 53.962703 -2.023969
BD23 1PZ 6 0 53.961211 -2.022993
BD23 1QA 13 0 53.96255 -2.024792
BD23 1QB 39 0 53.961939 -2.024883