all postcodes in BD7 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD7 3JB 1 0 53.786 -1.779343
BD7 3JE 31 7 53.785587 -1.77974
BD7 3JG 1 1 53.786075 -1.781073
BD7 3JQ 31 0 53.785395 -1.778132
BD7 3JT 16 7 53.781544 -1.782086
BD7 3JU 5 0 53.781167 -1.780795
BD7 3JX 5 1 53.78091 -1.779859
BD7 3JZ 4 0 53.780595 -1.779633
BD7 3LA 20 0 53.780088 -1.780801
BD7 3LB 15 0 53.779318 -1.781988
BD7 3LD 10 0 53.779633 -1.78226
BD7 3LE 18 0 53.779688 -1.782836
BD7 3LF 48 1 53.779295 -1.784492
BD7 3LG 28 0 53.777118 -1.780349
BD7 3LH 6 0 53.779697 -1.783261
BD7 3LJ 3 0 53.78003 -1.783487
BD7 3LL 5 0 53.779977 -1.783806
BD7 3LN 1 0 53.780184 -1.783881
BD7 3LQ 4 0 53.779975 -1.782516
BD7 3LR 2 0 53.779849 -1.784128