all postcodes in BD7 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD7 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD7 3NS 26 0 53.776229 -1.783765
BD7 3NT 26 0 53.775914 -1.785105
BD7 3NU 26 0 53.77625 -1.785312
BD7 3NW 28 0 53.777692 -1.782604
BD7 3NX 21 0 53.776879 -1.785264
BD7 3PA 20 0 53.777461 -1.784138
BD7 3PB 14 0 53.777472 -1.785519
BD7 3PD 30 0 53.778002 -1.785303
BD7 3PE 25 2 53.778102 -1.785576
BD7 3PF 6 1 53.777402 -1.786065
BD7 3PG 72 0 53.776288 -1.78683
BD7 3PH 25 0 53.777105 -1.785915
BD7 3PJ 14 0 53.777053 -1.786917
BD7 3PL 38 0 53.777538 -1.786914
BD7 3PN 19 0 53.777762 -1.786503
BD7 3PP 42 0 53.778409 -1.786379
BD7 3PR 21 1 53.778615 -1.786241
BD7 3PU 22 0 53.776696 -1.780518
BD7 3PX 15 0 53.775982 -1.781141