all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 7LA 10 0 53.807316 -1.76804
BD8 7LD 24 1 53.806064 -1.766468
BD8 7LE 32 1 53.806349 -1.766834
BD8 7LF 1 1 53.835241 -1.72113
BD8 7LH 80 0 53.806506 -1.767255
BD8 7LL 1 0 53.807198 -1.767494
BD8 7LN 26 3 53.807155 -1.768648
BD8 7LP 77 0 53.80759 -1.770423
BD8 7LR 20 1 53.807664 -1.771227
BD8 7LS 13 0 53.807152 -1.771685
BD8 7LU 74 1 53.808063 -1.768476
BD8 7LX 31 0 53.808461 -1.769659
BD8 7LY 18 1 53.808522 -1.769081
BD8 7NA 18 0 53.8087 -1.767774
BD8 7ND 1 1 53.814591 -1.765433
BD8 7NE 16 2 53.807494 -1.767067
BD8 7NG 17 0 53.803184 -1.759924
BD8 7NH 1 1 53.808706 -1.761639
BD8 7NL 1 0 53.806147 -1.767955
BD8 7NN 8 0 53.805951 -1.768579