all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 7NP 22 1 53.806678 -1.770006
BD8 7NS 20 0 53.806273 -1.772419
BD8 7NW 8 0 53.806608 -1.769335
BD8 7PA 1 1 53.805636 -1.772969
BD8 7PD 1 0 53.806409 -1.773041
BD8 7PF 21 0 53.806332 -1.775152
BD8 7PH 10 0 53.806948 -1.773159
BD8 7PL 1 1 53.807301 -1.774129
BD8 7PP 3 0 53.807763 -1.776238
BD8 7PQ 54 0 53.806412 -1.774787
BD8 7PS 1 0 53.807469 -1.77261
BD8 7PT 23 0 53.807749 -1.773398
BD8 7PU 28 0 53.807995 -1.77528
BD8 7PY 22 0 53.808244 -1.773973
BD8 7QA 18 0 53.808163 -1.773593
BD8 7QB 20 0 53.808089 -1.772728
BD8 7QD 9 0 53.807458 -1.771987
BD8 7QH 27 0 53.80786 -1.770406
BD8 7QN 28 1 53.805942 -1.773347
BD8 7QP 6 0 53.797964 -1.761199